Badland Brawl Wiki
“Group up and enjoy the fun!”

Tribes are a place for you to play with like-minded people. You can play with your regular friends, colleagues, or people you have met in the game.

You can chat with your Tribe mates, challenge them to a friendly brawl, donate Clones, or request your missing ones!


Being in a tribe has a lot of benefits:

  • You can play friendly battles with your tribe mates without gaining or losing anything. This also unlocks an achievement!
  • You can chat with other members, giving strategies or just chit chatting!
  • Together you can get in the top tribe list.

Tribe Roles

Tribe roles define what its members can or cannot do:

  • Leader Leader: usually the creator of the Tribe, has full rights.
  • CoLeader Co-Leader: can ban/promote everyone except the Leader.
  • Elder Elder: can promote and demote Members to/from Elder only.
  • Member Member: freshly joined member, just staying in for the ride.


Tribes have all sorts of other small things, they will be listed down here:

  • You can give your tribe a name, logo and description.
  • In the tribe info you can see how many donations in a week it has, how many required trophies and the location!
  • A Tribe can have a total of 50 members.
  • A tribe counts how many trophy's it has. (See the chart below for more info)
  • You can also see how many clones a players has donated this week.

Donations and Requests

You can request Clones directly from the Social tab. This will let your Tribe mates know that you are looking for specific Clones.

You will receive the following amounts of Gold coins and XP points after donating Clones to your Tribemates:

Land Donation Limits Requests
Name Number
Jungle dawn

Jungle Dawn
1 1

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Jungle default

Jungle Noon
2 1

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Jungle dusk

Jungle Dusk
3 1

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Jungle night

Jungle Night
4 1

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Canyon dawn

Canyon Dawn
5 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved

Canyon default

Canyon Noon
6 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Canyon dusk

Canyon Dusk
7 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Canyon night

Canyon Night
8 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 2 Evolved Evolved

Ice dawn

Frozen Dawn
9 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 3 Evolved Evolved

Ice default

Frozen Noon
10 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 3 Evolved Evolved

Ice dusk

Frozen Dusk
11 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 3 Evolved Evolved

Ice night

Frozen Night
12 2

Primal Primal or 1 Evolved Evolved


Primal Primal or 3 Evolved Evolved

Tribe Score

Additionally, your total Trophies (and those of your Tribe mates) also help determine your Tribe trophies. The higher your ranking in the Tribe, the higher the influence your Trophies will have on the Tribe's total trophies.

Rank Count
1 to 10 100% of your Trophies will be countered towards the Tribe's total trophies.
11 to 20 50% of your Trophies will be countered towards the Tribe's total trophies.
21 to 30 25% of your Trophies will be countered towards the Tribe's total trophies.
31 to 40  20% of your Trophies will be countered towards the Tribe's total trophies.
41 to 50 5% of your Trophies will be countered towards the Tribe's total trophies.

